President's Message

Greetings Memphis Chapter CSI!! 

Our program last month featured Kurt Hansen (Hilti) who presented his excellent program on Firestopping 101- New Developments in Fire Stopping. This month we will feature Joe Lincourt (Advanced Building Products), who will present his program, Designing and Detailing Exterior Walls for Moisture Control. This program will be a relatively technically oriented presentation that will provide information for the design professional, material supplier, general contractor and sub-contractor alike. Please plan to attend and bring along a friend.

Our GSR Conference to be held in April (21 &22) at the Springhill Suites Downtown is coming along well.  Our very own Jeffrey Parnell has been heading up the planning effort for this event and our products display show- BUILD/IT 2017 (April 20) and is to be commended indeed. There will be continuing education opportunities available too.  Please see Jeffrey’s editorial later in this edition for details.

This month we are publishing my article on Contract Closeout.  This article focuses on what effective construction administration is related to construction contract closeout defining what activities should take place to ensure a successfully closed out project. This article provides further insight on how we administer contracts in the construction industry. 

I want to encourage you to make a donation to our Dempsey B. Morrison Scholarship Fund.  CSI Memphis in partnership with the University of Memphis provides two scholarships that fully fund the tuition for the two selected students for one year.  This can eliminate a financial hardship that might exist and in turn provide peace of mind to the student allowing them to focus on their studies and not fund raising activities. Please consider a donation to this very worthy endeavor.

I want to encourage those of you spec writers out there to compete in the 2017 Gulf States Region CSI Document Competition.  All of the materials necessary for you to enter are included in this edition of the PerSPECtive. I also want to encourage you to exercise your voting rights by voting for our national representation which will be happening in a short time.  I have included a letter from Anne Roper who is running for Institute Secretary.  This is not an endorsement – we will publish any letters from any candidates for national office.  I simply want you to vote!! I’ll see you at the meeting!  

Hans Dietrich Faulhaber, Architect
The University of Tennessee