Greetings Memphis Chapter CSI!!
This is my last President’s Message! My term comes to an end with the Transfer of Power meeting to be held in July when Julie Fleming will be installed as your new chapter President. I have so many people to thank for making my term easier than it would have been without their guidance, encouragement and wisdom. Of those many people I would like to specifically mention Mike Zielinski, Past President, for his help with everything related to being the President of this chapter. Mike has been an invaluable asset and resource to me both as a CSI mentor and as a friend. Jim Neison who probably has the most comprehensive understanding and historical knowledge of our chapter-also an invaluable asset and resource to me and the Board as well as a friend. And then there is Jeffrey Parnell, an emerging professional architect. Jeffrey is a relatively new member to our chapter but has determined to make a difference. If you attended either or both the BuildIt2017 products display show or the Gulf States Region Conference you experienced what Jeffrey has to offer. While he had a committee of volunteers assisting him (Mike Zielinski, Susan Evans and Julie Fleming), he was the chairman and made many of the critical decisions that caused both of those events to be a success. BuildIt2017 earned more dollars than any show in a long time which is good because most of those funds find their way to the Dempsey B. Morrison Scholarship Fund. If you have visited the website ( you experienced Jeffrey’s ability at website creation. Finally I’d like to recognize Pam Davidson for assisting in the update of the database and encouraging Allen and Hoshall to allow for our Board meetings to be held in their conference room. My post Presidential duties will shift to being the Past President where I will serve as an advisor to Julie Fleming and chairman of the Planning Committee. I will also be contributing articles of interest to the Memphis PerSPECtive from time to time.
Our chapter meeting last month featured Brian Bullard with UrbanArch who presented his excellent renovation of the Winchester (Scimitar) Building into the Hotel Napoleon. What a great presentation and project that was. If you did not attend you really missed a great presentation on a great project!!
Once again I thank you for the opportunity to serve the chapter in this honorable position. I am humbled by the history of this chapter and its membership, past and present and hope my term has been effective, productive and meaningful term.